Emi for retail

High-volume hiring for retail, simplified

Emi is the only frontline-centric recruitment automation platform that helps retail companies fill roles fast, automate the hiring process, and deliver a quality candidate experience.
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Emi is a mobile-first recruiting automation platform for frontline hiring

Improve candidate satisfaction by interacting on their preferred channel

Make applying to jobs frictionless via SMS and popular messaging apps. Emi creates a conversational application that covers all the bases and even suggests openings based on location preferences.
Emi provides dashboards to make it easier for companies to understand their high-volume hiring funnels
With Emi, recruiters can understand which source leads to the highest volume of applicants

Reduce time-to-hire and boost productivity through automation

Automate screening & scheduling to effortlessly schedule and maintain hundreds of interviews across any number of locations. Emi does all the heavy lifting 24/7 and seamlessly integrates with your HR tech stack to avoid duplication of work and manual data entry.

Whether your hiring process is centralized or decentralized, Emi has you covered

We work with your team to ensure Emi fits the specific needs of your hiring model. With scaleable branding and templates, location-based job and interview matching, and robust reporting across all locations, Emi ensures the proper balance of scale and customization.
Emi engages in personal chat with each candidate
Emi automatically ranks each candidate to help teams automatically find the best candidates

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Winning Retail’s Talent War with Great Candidate Experiences

Learn how great candidate experiences can help combat the retail labor shortage
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Attract top talent on the frontline

See how Emi can help you personalize every interaction for a quality candidate experience.
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Emi delivers a superior candidate experience by using mobile communications channels